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Review from Cherri

身為時裝界出身嘅我🥴點樣可以唔做依個personal colour test呢!


好愛🌏嘅我一定係揀slow fashion ,而點樣make sure揀啱顏色俾自己,唔會著一兩次衣物就嫌棄佢?


@personal_color_hk 幫我界定屬於我嘅係 春、夏、秋或冬,再喺我的季節搵出最適合的spectrum。




I am True Winter.




Thanks Carrie 💖






Review from Sue

Thank you Carrie for the amazing personal colour services! 做完呢個test 先知平時我著既衫顏色其實唔係好岩我🙈😰個人睇落黃d攰d….成個過程,Carrie 好細心幫我揀同解釋俾我聽,仲俾左好多tips on hair colour and makeup tones💕💕收到個report 仲surprise, 因為實在太有❤️勁多有用資訊,仲要有埋daily look suggestions!超正!我已經將衣櫃唔適合既衫掉晒, ready for shopping new colour clothes 😙😙😙

Thank you Carrie❤️


Review from Josephine

Thankyou @personal_color_hk for the amazing personal color service! 

It was really interesting and eye opening! 


I always had a unique preference for bold patterns and bright colors when everyone preferred soft beige earth tone colors! After this session, I understood why! Not only did I learn what colors brought of the best in my overall look, and I was surprised when certain colors/tones brought out the bling in my eyes and other colors made my wrinkles more prominent and I looke tired and older! Carrie was very patient and explained clearly throughout the whole process and it was an extremely delightful and fun session! 


The report I received afterwards was very detailed and I especially liked the advise not just to clothing, but makeup tones and hair colors as well! 


Can’t wait to do more shopping and brightening up not just my face but my overall outlook!

Review from Angel

自己平日穿搭一直偏好深沉色系,沒想到原來最適合我的顏色竟然是 light spring 色系。


過程中 Carrie 很用心解答我的疑問, 而且長達 30頁的 report 分析非常詳盡,除了圖文並茂去講解色彩配搭、髮色、穿搭建議,買有各種化妝品的顏色建議,仔細至睫毛膏、眼線筆、陰影粉等都包括在內,相信這份 report 亦有助我日後挑選服裝及化妝品。感謝 Carrie 為我帶來這個有趣又實用的體驗。


Review from Lorraine

好開心終於做咗 personal color test! 之前睇過韓國嘅 YouTuber 片裏面見到都已經好想做,冇諗過原來香港都已經有呢個測試可以做啦!💜

本身我自己做 Fashion brand 都係玩開顏色,所以更加要做呢個Test睇吓究竟咩色先至最啱自己!


多謝 Carrie 响過程中好細心地幫我分析唔同顏色響我皮膚上面嘅效果,令我了解自己多啲!好開心嘅係自己最愛嘅顏色好多都係響分析結果入邊!🤣



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